Take criticism seriously, but not personally. If there is truth or merit in the criticism, try to learn from it. Otherwise let it roll right off you.
Hillary Clinton

Online Safety

E-Safety at Colmers Farm

ICT can offer many positive educational and social benefits to young people, but unfortunately there are risks too. As in any other area of life children are vulnerable and may expose themselves to danger - knowingly or unknowingly - when using the internet.

The key dangers are:

  • Exposure to inappropriate material (this may be pornographic; hateful or violent in nature; material that encourages activities that are dangerous or illegal; or simply age-inappropriate).
  • The threat of physical danger through sharing personal information.
  • Cyber bullying.

At Colmers Farm Primary School, we protect our children in the following ways:

  • All internet access is supervised, and protected by the Local Authority Firewall.
  • All staff sign an 'Acceptable Use Policy' which covers the key principles of our E-Safety Policy.
  • Regular E-Safety training for staff, pupils and parents.
  • Regular reviews of our E-Safety Policy in the light of rapid technological change.

Our current E-Safety Policy is available to read on our Policies and Documents page.

E-Safety at Home

Monitoring and keeping children safe at home when using computers and the internet is really important. Please see the document below for advice about how you can set up parental controls at home to help to keep your children safe.

A Guide to Parental Controls

Safer Internet Day 2023

As part of Safer Internet Day, we held a poster competition, to complete at home. All of the entries were judged by our Digital Champions before choosing 6 lucky winners. Each winner received an early Easter Egg prize. (It is never too early for an Easter Egg!). Thank you to everybody who took part in this competition. Please see our winning entries below. 

Our Winning Entries



Chloe (6G)



Iyanna (5T) 


Manisha (3J)


Mini (3J)


Niamh (4G)


Rocco (6G)

Some of our lucky winners with their posters

Some of our other entries

Kaiden F (4L)

Jannat (6D)

Maria (5M)

Useful Websites

The following websites are useful for further guidance and support:

Useful Documents

These documents are all in pdf format, and are here for you to read/download:

Digital parenting

Facebook (what parents need to know about)

Fortnite (what parents need to know about)

How to set up Parental Controls on the Xbox 360 (Microsoft)

How to set up Google Safe Search

How to set up YouTube Safety Mode

Internet Controls

Inspecting E-Safety in Schools (Ofsted)

Keeping up with Children on the Internet (Childnet International)

Minecraft (what parents need to know about)

Online Gaming: An Introduction for Parents and Carers (Childnet International)

Online Grooming (what parents need to know about)

Report It Poster

Roblox (what parents need to know about)

Social media and mental health (what parents need to know about)

Tiktoc (what parents need to know about)

Whats App (what parents need to know about)

E-Safety Videos