If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.
Albert Einstein


Our school uniform is gender neutral and can be worn all year round. It consists of the following:

  • Red polo shirt (EYFS, Years 1 and 2)
  • White shirt or blouse (Years 3 to 6) or a white polo shirt (Years 3 or 4 only)
  • House coloured school tie (Year 5 and 6 only - The first of these will be provided by the school free of charge)
  • Grey or black skirt, pinafore dress, tailored shorts, or trousers - not jogging bottoms or jeans
  • Red and white checked or striped dresses
  • Navy blue sweatshirt* or cardigan* - no hoods - plain or with school logo
  • Plain white or black socks
  • Black, navy or grey tights
  • Flat, black or navy appropriate shoes - no trainers
  • Red book bag (EYFS - Year 4) *

For Forest School:

  • Plain navy or black jogging bottoms
  • Wellies and appropriate socks
  • Small pump bag*

For PE (all children):

  • Plain navy or black shorts
  • Red t-shirt*
  • Trainers or plimsolls
  • Small pump bag*
  • A school jumper (for colder months) 

Please note that children should come to school wearing their PE kits on their classes' PE days. 

Please remember to write your child's name in all items of uniform!

Full details can be found in our Uniform Policy. You can also download our Uniform Leaflet:

Uniform Leaflet (pdf)

Where to Buy

Our school uniform colour is a combination of white, red, navy and grey/black. Although uniform items with logos are available from Kids Essential in Northfield (www.kidsessentialsschoolwearbirmingham.co.uk), see items in the first list on this web page which have an asterisk,  we are however happy for uniform items to not have a logo. They must however be the correct colour. Uniform items without logos can be bought from High Street shops and supermarkets.

Second Hand Uniform

Good quality second hand uniform is available free of change (including coats, school shoes and PE kits) from Rubery Schools Community Swop Shop. This is a community organisation that can be contacted via Facebook or www.ruberyswopshop.co.uk.