The ability to read, write and analyse; the confidence to stand up and demand justice and equality; the qualifications and connections to get your foot in that door and take your seat at the table - all of that starts with education.
Michelle Obama

Year 3 First Aid Training

5 Oct

If you ever need first aid at Colmers Farm, Year 3 is now the place to visit. Year 3 this week had their first aid training day where they learnt how to deal with a range of injuries, along with how to put people into the recovery position, how to do CPR and what to do if somebody is chocking. Our Year 3s really enjoyed this training and those children I spoke to afterwards had certainly learnt lots. 

At Colmers Farm Primary School, we believe passionate that all of our children in their time with us should receive first aid training. We will deliver this to all of KS2 children twice in their time at this school (once in Year 3 and a refresher in Year 5 to ensure that this knowledge is embedded).

At the end of the month, our Year 5s will receive their first aid training. Once they have received this, we will be proud to say that each year group in KS2 will have received at least one first aid session.