The ability to read, write and analyse; the confidence to stand up and demand justice and equality; the qualifications and connections to get your foot in that door and take your seat at the table - all of that starts with education.
Michelle Obama

Year 4's Visit Kenilworth Castle

On Monday 5th June, Year 4 students visited Kenilworth Castle as part of their history topic about Castles. We spent the day exploring the grounds and ruins in the sunshine and learnt all about the history of the castle.We visited the Leicester Gatehouse, which was built in 1571 by Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, as part of his grand plan to woo Queen Elizabeth I! We also learned about the mysterious death of Robert Dudley's wife - an accidental death or was it murder? We climbed the tallest towers and finished the day by walking around the beautiful gardens. Everyone had a lovely day, and the children represented the school brilliantly!