If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.
Albert Einstein

Year 5 and 6 residential

4 Nov

This week, 48 pupils from Years 5 and 6 and 5 intrepid members of staff went on Colmers Farm Primary School's first ever residential to Boundless Outdoors Bell Heath Centre. 

Residential experiences are something we are passionate about at Colmers Farm School and this forms part of our Colmers Farm Primary Guarantee (click for more details regarding this). We believe that this is something that as many of our pupils as possible should experience and this will now hopefully be an annual event on our school calendar. The memories from this experience our pupils will always carry with them. As well as this residentials:

  • develop further pupil/teacher relationships;
  • develop pupils' independence;
  • enhance pupils resilience, confidence, self-esteem and self-belief;
  • improve emotional heath and well-being
  • develop team working skills;
  • build new friendships;
  • can form the foundation or life-long interests;
  • encourage healthy life styles. 

During this residential, our pupils experienced a range of activities, some of which challenged their fears and pushed their limits of endurance. These included:

  • low ropes;
  • high bridge walks;
  • archery;
  • grass sledding;
  • nightline (completing challenges blindfolded with a sighted partner);
  • tunnels;
  • zip wire;
  • quad pole (climbing a telegraph pole and standing on top of it - with the aim of four children being able to stand on it at once);
  • rock climbing;
  • orienteering;
  • night walk.

The resilience and courage that our pupils (and teachers) demonstrated during many of these activities was outstanding!

Everybody had a wonderful time on this residential and not even the rain on our first day could dampen our spirits.  We would really like to thank all of the staff at Boundless Outdoors Bell Heath for doing such an amazing job looking after us during our stay and for going above and beyond. You were fabulous! We loved it so much that we have already booked it again for next year! 

Thank you also to Miss Cross, Miss Evans, Mrs Greep (who also organised this residential), Miss Tonks and Mr Williams for giving up their time to allow our pupils to experience this. You are all fantastic! 

Thank you finally to parents for supporting us with this trip. We hope that you made the most of this time. We would also like to apologise for the contents of many of your suitcases which may look like the start of a washing powder advert. However, the dirtier the clothing, the more fun your child has had :)

We hope that you enjoy watching the short video below from our trip.