If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.
Albert Einstein

Year 5's visit to the National Space Centre

On Wednesday Year 5 travelled to the National Space Centre in Leicester. It was a fantastic day, enjoyed by everyone who went. We were lucky enough to do explore so many wonderful things and we even saw a real rocket! We climbed 144 steps to get to the platform near the top of the rocket. We explored lots of different interactive zones including 'Our Planet' where we got to look at how space impacts our planet and how we can help to save our planet, 'The Universe' where we looked at all the different planets (we even got to dress up as aliens) and 'Out in Space' where we got to smell different things you can find on a space station. They didn't smell very nice! We got to see a part of the moon and even managed to squeeze in a planetarium show looking at the planets in the universe and finding out more about them! What an amazing trip!