The ability to read, write and analyse; the confidence to stand up and demand justice and equality; the qualifications and connections to get your foot in that door and take your seat at the table - all of that starts with education.
Michelle Obama

Year 6 Cathedral Visit

29 Nov

After our Year 3 and 5 year groups visited places of worship last week, this week it was the turn of Year 6. They went to visit Birmingham Cathedral (St Philip’s) on Colmore Row in Birmingham. This is part of the children’s current RE topic which is Christianity. This Cathedral was built in the 1700s and is one of the smallest cathedrals in the UK. Here the children were able to see many of the features of a Cathedral, which they have learnt about, and were able to find out more about the Christian faith. Our children enjoyed this visit and represented our school well, asking many thoughtful and insightful questions during the visit. Well done Year 6!