Newsletters and Letters
Please have a look at our latest school newsletters below to keep up to date with everything that is happening in our school. Make sure that you check back regularly. Please note that all newsletters are sent out to parents via our parent app.
Recent Letters
Please find below copies of recent letters that have been sent out.
25th March - Year 2: St Stephen's Church visit
25th March - Our super Sewers Assembly
24th March - Year 4 Kenilworth Castle Trip
19th March - Easter Holiday Club: Bring It On Brum!
19th March - Year 3 Birmingham City Centre Walk
19th March - Year 4 visit to TGBS
12th March - Easter Bonnet Parade and Egg Diorama Competition
12th March - EYFS Hilltop Dental visit
12th March - Year 2 Weston-Super-Mare trip
6th March - Comic Relief
5th March - The Dog Mentor Programme
4th March - EYFS: open morning
4th March - Year 1: open morning
4th March - Year 2: open morning
4th March - Year 3: open morning
4th March - Year 5: open morning
3rd March - Year 6: open morning
28th February - Year 2: Maths Inspire Workshop
28th February - World Book Day Readathon
26th February - Year 6: SRE
26th February - Year 5: SRE
26th February - Year 4: SRE
26th February - Year 3: SRE
26th February - Year 2: SRE
26th February - Year 1: SRE
25th February - Fab Bricks
24th February - Mother's Day
24th February - World Book Day: EYFS
24th February - World Book Day: Year 1 - Year 6
11th February - RL Farm Visit: Change of date
6th February - Minecraft Club: Year 5 and Year 6
4th February - Spring Term 2 Meal Choices
28th January - Match Funding
27th January - TTRS Competition for KS2
24th February - 4J Parents Evening
24th January - Parents Evening
23rd January - Parents Lottery leaflet
23rd January - Year 5 Selly Manor visit
22nd January - Year 5 Ancient Greece showcase
21st January - Studybugs Amazon voucher
21st January - Year 5 Mosque visit
21st January - After School Club late collections
16th January - Safer Internet Day
14th January - Year 6 Spring Newsletter
10th January - PE: Grip socks
10th January - Year 4 Spring Newsletter
10th January - Year 3 Spring Newsletter
10th January - Year 2 Spring Newsletter
10th January - Year 1 Spring Newsletter
10th January - EYFS Spring Newsletter
10th January - Cadbury Brothers: English unit Year 3
9th January - NSPCC Number Day
6th January - Pharmacy First - NHS Service
20th December - Pathfinder Leaflet
20th December - Science Club
20th December - Year 6: Head pupil
18th December - 5F Christmas Film
13th December - Year 5 The Oaks visit - festive jumper
13th December - Cash For Kids own clothes day
12th December - New menu from January 2025
12th December - New meal provider
11th December - Christmas party day: EYFS
11th December - Christmas party day: Yr 1 - Yr6
10th December - Year 4 Gurdwara Trip
5th December - Stranger Danger
5th December - Studybugs launch letter
3rd December - EYFS Christmas PJ Day
2nd December - EYFS Nativity Performances
28th November - SATs Booster Club
27th November - EYFS Open morning
27th November- Year 5 Open morning
26th November - EYFS Eye Screening and Leaflet
25th November - Christmas Raffle
25th November - Year 6 Open morning
20th November - Cash For Kids
20th November - Year 1 Open morning
20th November- Year 3 Open morning
19th November - Year 4 Open morning
19th November - SATs Meeting
18th November - Rags 2 Riches
13th November - Morrisons Car Park
12th November - Year 2 Open morning
11th November - Geography Homework Competition
11th November - Children in Need Day
8th November - Cake Sale
7th November - Year 6 film afternoon
7th November - Christmas Jumper donations
7th November - Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dinner
7th November - Year 1 Phonics Workshop
6th November - Year 5 Lloyds Bank Finance Awareness Workshop
6th November - The Oaks residential home: donations needed
6th November - Year 5 Adopt a Granny/Granddad visit
6th November - Big Arts Week Showcase
5th November - Scratch Club: Year 3
5th November - Year 6 litter picking / weeding
23rd October - Mischief Week letter from WMP
23rd October - Santa Sack Fundraising
23rd October - Christmas Fundraising
23rd October - Poppy Appeal
23rd October - EYFS Animal Man Visit
21st October - Data Collection 2024/2025
21st October - Family Christmas Photo's
21st October - Year 1: BCLM Trip
21st October - Anti-Bullying Week: Odd Socks Day
18th October - Year 2 Showcase
15th October - EYFS Attwell Farm Trip
15th October - Year 1 Bookmarks
14th October - Year 6 Social Media
11th October - Digital Leader Application Form
10th October - Diwali Celebrations
7th October - TTRS Parent Guide
7th October - Times Table Rock stars Launch Day
4th October - Halloween Meal
2nd October - OPAL electrical item donations
27th September - Harvest Assembly & Food Collection
25th September - Year 2 Phonics Inspire Workshop
25th September - Panto for Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3
25th September - EYFS Milk
24th September - Year 6 Leavers Hoodies
23rd September - Year 4 Professor McGinty Workshop
23rd September - Year 6 Professor McGinty Workshop
23rd September - Year 6 CBSO and Library of Birmingham Trip
23rd September - EYFS Phonics Workshop
19th September - Art & Craft Workshops for EYFS
19th September - Flu E Consent Flu Letter
17th September - Whole school attendance update 2024
16th September - Wear Pink Day in support of Breast Cancer Awareness
16th September - Mental Health Awareness Day
16th September - Jeans for Genes Day
11th September - Year 1 and Year 2 French Club
11th September - Year 3 and Year 5 First Aid Course
9th September - Young Voices
6th September - OPAL scooter donations
6th September - Whole school attendance update
5th September - Netball Club for Year 4, 5 and 6
3rd September - No Outsiders
3rd September - Asda Cashpot
Historical Newsletters and Letters
Please click on the links below to access historic newsletters and letters
2023-2024 newsletters and useful letters
2022-2023 newsletters and useful letters
2021-2022 newsletters and useful letters