Being Healthy
As a school we play an important role in supporting the health and well-being of young children.
The leadership team aims to create and manage a positive environment with explicit values and ethos that promote positive physical and emotional health for the whole school community.
We have an extensive pastoral team led by the Deputy Head and comprising of a non-class based SENCO, a pastoral manager and two non class based teaching assistants.
Healthy Bodies
Physical Education (PE)
At Colmers Farm we consider PE to be an important part of the curriculum. All children have regular timetabled PE lessons a week, plus other active physical learning at playtimes and lunch times.

Enjoying the Trim Trail.

Being active on the tyres.
Children in EYFS and Year 2 regularly use our forest school, giving children opportunities to explore and learn through physical activities in a large and different space to that which they are used to.
Reception has a well-resourced outside classroom that encourages them to be active during all parts of the day.
The PE curriculum includes dance, gym and games, and we offer many different activities within these areas. We make cross-curricular links to make learning meaningful - for example, by learning dance styles from different cultures and games from other countries.
The school believes that physical education experienced in a safe and supportive environment is a vital and unique contribution to a pupil's physical and emotional health, development and wellbeing. The physical education programme aims to provide for pupils' increasing self-confidence through an ability to manage themselves in a variety of situations.
PE provides opportunities for pupils to be creative, competitive and face up to different challenges as individuals and in groups and teams.
The programme is designed to promote an understanding of the benefits of exercise through a balanced range of relevant activities. Through physical education, each child will learn to use both space and equipment safely, showing increasing control over their movements.
In Key Stage 2 pupils start to learn the rules and skills of a variety of sports. Sports taught include Cricket, Athletics, Tennis, Rounders, Football, Tag Rugby, Indoor Athletics, Hockey and Gymnastics.
Every summer all pupils take part in a Sports Day to which parents are invited.
Lunchtime Sport
We employ one sports coach at lunchtime to organise a variety of different sports in the playground.
After School Sport
Key Stage 2 pupils can take part in a range of after school clubs.
Behaviour and Well-Being Training
Teaching and Support Staff undertake regular professional development and training on areas relevant to physical and emotional health and well-being, and Personal Development.
Staff complete regular training including:
- DSL Training
- Thrive Approach Training
- Paediatric First Aid
- Workplace First Aid
- Safe Handling Training
- Lunchtime Supervisors Behaviour Training
- Educational Visit Leader Course
- Health and Safety Awareness
- Fire Safety Awareness
- Child Protection Updates
- Area Safeguarding Training
- Prevent Training (preventing extremism)
- Team Teach