It is not the knowledge which should come to you, it is you who should come to the knowledge.
Imam Malik

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6. This is a very busy and challenging year for the children as they prepare to take their end of key stage SATs Tests and look ahead to their transition to Secondary education.

We aim to provide a stimulating and secure learning environment, where all children are motivated to try their best in order to reach their full potential.

There are opportunities to study a variety of cross-curricular themes, which include aspects of science, geography, ICT, music, history and art. The children are encouraged to build and extend their knowledge and understanding, in addition to developing social skills and the ability to learn independently.

It is a pleasure to support the children as they grow in confidence and maturity on their exciting learning journey.

Our Latest Newsletter:

Year 6 Newsletter - Autumn 2024/2025 (pdf)

Year 6 Newsletter - Spring 2024/2025 (pdf)

Year 6 Newsletter - Summer 2024/2025 (pdf)

Our Learning

Find out what we are learning on our Curriculum page.

Knowledge Organisers

Geography/History Topic 1 - The British Empire

Geography/History Topic 2 - World War 2

Geography/History Topic 3 - Migration 

Geography/History Topic 4 - Civil Rights

Parental Workshops