Governing Body

Core Functions of The Regional Governing Board (School Improvement Committee)

All Governors need to:

  • deliver the character, mission and ethos of the Trust and the academies;
  • hold the leadership to account for its educational performance;
  • ensure financial resources are well spent.

Working together we can make a huge difference

All our Governors are expected to abide by The Principles of Public Life:

  1. Selflessness
  2. Integrity
  3. Objectivity
  4. Accountability
  5. Openness
  6. Honesty
  7. Leadership

Excelsior MAT Documents

MAT Members and Trustees

MAT Scheme of Delegation 2024

Attendance at Trustee Meetings 2023-24

Excelsior MAT End of Year Accounts 2019/20

Annnual Report and Financial Statements - Year Ending 31 August 2019 (pdf)

Annual Report and Financial Statements - Year Ending 31 August 2022 (pdf)

Executive Pay Report 2022

Governor attendance at meetings 2023/24


Governor attendance at meetings 2021/2022

Governor attendance at meetings 2020/2021

Governor attendance at meetings 2019/2020

Governor Areas of Responsibility

Governor Area of Responsibility
Amanda Cross SEND
Hayley Wadley



Pupil Premium

Connie Jennings


Race Equality

Virginie Grzelczyk Health and Safety
Nargis Kaniz Literacy

Governing Body Profiles

Hayley Wadley

My name is Hayley Wadley and I have been a parent governor at Turves Green Primary School since 2018 and since 2019 I have been the Chair of Governors for the Excelsior MAT.

In 2004 I became a secondary school teacher specialising in Business Studies and Accounts. I am passionate about education and have seen first-hand how an excellent education can transform a child’s life. It is a pleasure to be part of the Governing body for Excelsior MAT and I know that we can make a positive impact on every learner’s future across all the schools.