Take criticism seriously, but not personally. If there is truth or merit in the criticism, try to learn from it. Otherwise let it roll right off you.
Hillary Clinton

Parents in School

A successful partnership with parents in key to a school's success.

At Colmers Farm Primary School we aim to begin this partnership from the moment you hear your child has been offered a place at our school, and sometimes even earlier during Open Days.

Open Days

Prospective new EYFS parents are invited to come and have a look around the school during annual Open Days during the Autumn Term. Sessions take place in the morning, afternoon and the evening. 

If you are unable to attend an Open Day event, you are more than welcome to make an individual appointment at a time more convenient.

Parent Carer Forum 

We are currently setting up a parent carer forum to help to organise events which will enrich further our pupils' experiences whilst they are at our school. We are always eager for parents/carers to play an active role in our school. If you are are interested in giving up some of your time to join and contribute to this group, please contact Miss Kelly via the school office or enquiry@colmersfarm.excelsiormat.org for details of the next meeting date.  

Parents' Evenings

Parents' evening take place twice annually. This is usually in November and March. This will provide an opportunity for you to look at your child's books/learning. At these parents' evening you will also be given a copy of your child's latest attendance and a short summary report about your child.

We aim for 100% of parents to attend a parents' evening as we strongly believe that your child will only reach their full potential if parents and school work closely together. Attending parents' evening is one way we can do this. 

There is also a further optional parents drop in session in July after our annual reports have been issued to discuss the contents of these further.  


Interim reports are provided to parents during parents' evenings. These are designed to provide a 'snapshot' of where pupils are at these points of the year and they form the basis of the parents' evening discussions.  

You will receive a comprehensive report on your child's achievement and progress towards the end of the Summer Term.


Parents are invited into school for various workshops covering a variety of topics such as phonics, e-safety, use of online learning platforms, SATs preparation, problem solving, crafts, puzzles and healthy living.

Assemblies Each week we have a celebration assembly which parents are invited to. During the assembly we celebrate group and individual achievements, both in school and out of school. We present certificates for achievement. We also have assemblies to highlight attention on specific events such as Black History Month, Remembrance Sunday and Christmas and we also host parents during our class share assemblies.

Each week, we run a special art workshop for our reception parents to attend. Here they work with their children on an art project, in our purpose built art studio, with our art specialist teacher.

Special Events

From time to time we have special events and shows which parents are invited to. This could be a celebration of a themed week, a National event celebration or an outside visitor.


Parents are kept up-to-date with events on our Newsletters which are emailed to parents weekly, are available via our school parent app and which are also published on this website (newsletter section).

Parent Voice

From time to time we undertake parental surveys to understand your views about school. We report back on the survey in newsletters, addressing any specific issues that have arisen. Also see the 'Parents' Views of Our School' section of our school website.

Parents are also invited to complete an online questionnaire on the Ofsted website Parent View. We could encourage all parents to take part.

Family Support

We understand how hard bringing up children can be, especially when added pressure comes to bear. You would be surprised at the many different ways that we can support our families, so please do come and talk to us in confidence if you are finding things tough.

We have a pastoral team of five members of staff, all of whom work closely with families. We also 'buy in' Malachi for targeted interventions with families. 

We can provide practical help with school uniform as well as emotional and behavioural support. Even if we can't help you directly, we will always point you in the direction of someone who can. Everybody needs help at some point, so please ask.

Rights Respecting Article 27 
Every child has the right to a standard of living that is good enough to meet their physical, social and mental needs. Governments must help families who cannot afford to provide this.