Our 2023-2024 Big Arts Week Exhibition
13 Nov
Just before half term we held our annual Big Arts Week at Colmers Farm Primary School. The c hildren and staff this year have worked incredibly hard to create a piece of art based on the seven visual elements in art - line, shape, form, colour, tone, pattern, and texture. Each year group focussed on an artist that uses one of these elements prominently within their work. They have then created their own work in this style.
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Year 5 and 6 Residential
10 Nov
A residential experience opportunity, for our Year 5 and 6 pupils, is now a permanent feature on the Colmers Farm calendar. There are many words which could be used to describe the experience had by our Years 5 and 6 pupils at Boundless Outdoors. If it could only be summed-up in three words though, then they would have to be: joyous, challenging and memorable. It was an exhilarating and pleasurably exhausting three days for our pupils with a wonderful variety of activities which tested them, skilled them and developed their abilities to work as a team.
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Year 1's Visit to the Black Country Living Museum
25 Oct
Year 1 have been to the Black Country Living Museum as part of their history learning. They had a fabulous time walking around the museum and looking at all of the different types of houses which they were able to compare them to the homes they live in today. They also had the opportunity to take part in a Victorian school lesson. The children really enjoyed this experience and will now be able to link their experience to their history learning after half term.
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Year 6's Professor McGinty Visit
17 Oct
On 17 th October, Year 6 had a fantastic time with a special time travelling visitor called Professor Mcginty. He took us all the way back to the 1940's. The children were enthused by this visit which supplemented their current history topic based on World War 2. During the session, the children learnt more about the air raid shelters, rationing of food and clothes and the different artillery used during the war.
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Year 4's Professor McGinty Visit
11 Oct
Year 4 were visited by the energetic time travelling Professor McGinty who transported them back to the time of the Romans in Britain. The children were so enthusiastic and learnt about Roman towns, unusual foods, their highly trained army and how they lived their everyday lives. We were also shown artefacts from both the Romans and the Celts who were already living in Britain almost two thousand years ago! Some of the children dressed up as Roman Emperors and everyday people (along with a very brave Roman soldier)!
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Our School's Parliamentarians' Visit to London
28 Sep
Each year at Colmers Farm Primary School, our school council (or school parliamentarians as they are known this year) go on a special trip to London. It's always a very early start (6:40 a.m.) and is a very long day, but it is always an amazing visit. This year we joined on this trip by children from Turves Green Primary School (one of the other school's from our Multi-Academy Trust) The purpose of this trip is to teach the children about democracy and their role as school councillors/parliamentarians. The main part of this visit is a tour of the Houses of Parliament and a lesson about democracy in the Houses of Parliament education department.
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Fire Service Visit to CFPS
20 Sep
As part of Year 2's history topic about 'The Great Fire of London', our Year 2s were visited by firefighters from Northfield Fire Station. During this visit, they had the opportunity to talk to the firefighters about their jobs and they were also able to have a close look at their fire engine. This involved the opportunity to sit in the driver's seat, to use the siren and flashing lights, to find out about the different pieces of equipment on the fire engine and the best part... to use the fire engine's hose on the playground.
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Year 3 and 5 First Aid Workshops
18 Sep
At Colmers Farm Primary School, we believe that learning first aid skills is vital. As part of the Colmers Farm Primary Guarantee, we ensure that all of our children in Year 3 receive this training and that this is repeated in Year 5. Today, we were visited by two trainers from Mini First Aid who delivered this. Our trainers were very complimentary about how engaged and motivated to learn our children were.
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Rock Kids Visit
12 Sep
Today Years 1-6 were visited by Rock Kidz. The Rock Kidz workshops were focused upon anti-bullying and building appropriate relationships. All of our pupils throughly enjoyed these Rock 'n' Roll workshops, which included some acting, songs, dancing and even some staff v pupil dance offs. Mr Lynch, Mr Bowtell and Miss Nazir did the staff proud!
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Ofsted Report
21 Jul
On 14th and 15th June we were inspected by Ofsted. We unfortunately could not share the result of this inspection until today when we received our final report. As a school we are delighted with the report which graded us overall as good and outstanding in Personal Development. This is a testament to the journey we have all been on since joining Excelsior MAT and to all the hard work of our staff, pupils and community.
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- 19th Dogs Trust Visit to Year 6
- 19th Year 2 Christmas Movie Night
- 15th Meet the Lords
- 30th Year 3 Zoolab Visit
- 22nd Year 3 Singers Hill Synagogue Visit
- 22nd Year 5 Mosque Visit
- 21st MAT School Parliament Podcasts (Little Leaders, Big Dreams)
- 13th Our 2023-2024 Big Arts Week Exhibition
- 10th Year 5 and 6 Residential
- 25th Year 1's Visit to the Black Country Living Museum
- 17th Year 6's Professor McGinty Visit
- 11th Year 4's Professor McGinty Visit
- 28th Our School's Parliamentarians' Visit to London
- 20th Fire Service Visit to CFPS
- 18th Year 3 and 5 First Aid Workshops
- 12th Rock Kids Visit
- 30th Reception Trip to Little Owl Farm Park
- 23rd Year 6 at the Big Bang Event
- 12th A Midsummer Night's Dream at CFPS
- 5th Year 4's Visit Kenilworth Castle
- 30th Easter Bonnet and Egg Dioramas
- 30th Spring Term Governor Award Assembly
- 27th House of Lords Q and A
- 2nd World Book Day 2023
- 29th Year 6 Cathedral Visit
- 23rd Year 3 Synagogue Visit
- 22nd Year 5 Visit to Birmingham Central Mosque
- 4th Year 5 and 6 residential
- 28th Well Being Award
- 27th CFPS Jubilee Day
- 25th Pathway to Podium Silver Award
- 18th Year 3's Visit to Birmingham City Centre
- 4th Perry the Bull visits Colmers Farm
- 30th Uniform Consultation Results
- 17th Congratulations Tiegan
- 14th PlayMakers Training
- 14th Christmas Theatre Performance
- 9th Governors' Award Assemblies
- 8th Uniform Consultation
- 24th Year 3's Synagogue Visit
- 23rd Year 6's Visit to St Philip's Cathedral
- 22nd Year 5's Mosque Visit
- 5th Year 1's visit to the Black Country Museum
- 21st Professor McGinty Visits Year 4
- 8th Year 3 Zoolab Visit
- 5th Year 3 First Aid Training
- 1st Accelerated Reader Competition Winners
- 27th Our new art and design and technology studio
- 14th MAT Annual Report to Parents
- 5th First Aid Training
- 21st RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) Consultation
- 5th All you need to know about school during lockdown
- 10th Writing week at Colmers
- 5th Our Big Arts Week Exhibition 2020
- 3rd Big Arts Week At Colmers Farm