Year 5 Visit to Birmingham Central Mosque
22 Nov
On Wednesday, Year 5 visited Birmingham Central Mosque. This was part of their RE topic about Islam. We were thrilled with how enthusiastic the children were during their visit. We were lucky enough to visit the community room, classroom and prayer hall where we learnt up to 4000 people can go to pray at any one time.
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Year 5 and 6 residential
4 Nov
This week, 48 pupils from Years 5 and 6 and 5 intrepid members of staff went on Colmers Farm Primary School's first ever residential to Boundless Outdoors Bell Heath Centre. Residential experiences are something we are passionate about at Colmers Farm School and this forms part of our Colmers Farm Primary Guarantee (click for more details regarding this). We believe that this is something that as many of our pupils as possible should experience and this will now hopefully be an annual event on our school calendar. The memories from this experience our pupils will always carry with them.
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Big Arts Week and Exhibition 2022-2023
21 Oct
Big Arts Week This year for Big Art week, we took part in ‘Take One Picture’ which is a national programme for primary schools led by The National Gallery in London which aims to inspires a love of art and a love of learning. Every year, The National Gallery chooses one painting from its collection of paintings for primary schools to focus on . This year the focus painting is ‘Surprised’ by Henri Rousseau. The children then create their own artwork inspired by the painting.
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Year 3 Zoolab Visit
17 Oct
On Monday, Year 3 had an amazing experience, as part of their Amazon Rainforest topic, when some rainforest creatures came to visit our school. The children recalled facts about the layers of the rainforest and its climate before getting close to a tarantula. A giant millipede crawled its way across some of our hands whilst a snake slithered across others. A giant land snail left its mark before we met some friendly rats.
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Year 2 Fire Engine Visit
30 Sep
On Friday, we had a fire engine visit Colmers Farm Primary School to check they can access our site. At Colmers Farm, we are always looking to utilise every possible learning opportunity, and this was an opportunity that was too good to pass up. We therefore rather cheekily asked whether our Year 2s (who are currently learning about the Great Fire of London) could have a tour of the engine. The fire service very kindly obliged.
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Year 3 and 5 first aid training
28 Sep
At Colmers Farm, we believe that all of our pupils should receive first aid training whilst they are at our school. As part of our Colmers Farm Primary Guarantee, we ensure that our pupils receive their initial training in Year 3 and that this is revisited and refreshed in Year 5. Today our Year 3 and 5s received their first aid training. They all took this training very seriously and their attitudes during these were exemplary.
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The World Reimagined Project
19 Jul
Since May, pupils in our Year 5 and 6 art club have been working on a project called ‘The World Reimagined’. This a UK-wide art education project featuring globally-recognised artists to transform how we understand the Transatlantic Trade in Enslaved Africa and its impact on us all. It is not ‘Black History’, it is all of our history. Primary schools involved in the project have been exploring and celebrating ‘Mother Africa’.
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Equality Video for Commonwealth Games
15 Jul
Over the last few weeks, our Year 6s have been busy putting together a video to highlight inclusion. This is something that we strongly believe in at our school. It is an important part of our school's ethos and curriculum. This video was shown at Pride House as part of a project for the Commonwealth Games to show all visiting athletes, officials and delegates that everybody is welcome in this great city and country of ours.
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Well Being Award
28 Jun
Over the last year we have been working towards gaining the Wellbeing Award for Schools through Optimus Education. We are very please to announce that after our final assessment today, we have gained this award. This award focuses on changing the long-term culture of the whole school, using an evidence-based framework to drive change. It aims to ensure that mental health and wellbeing sit at the heart of school life.
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CFPS Jubilee Day
27 May
As part of our celebrations of the Queens' Platinum Jubilee, we held a number of special events. This included a dress in red, white and blue day and a special dinner time picnic on our field. Fortunately, the weather was perfect for this event and everybody really enjoyed it. Throughout the week, in our art lessons, pupils created art work of the Queen.
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- 19th Dogs Trust Visit to Year 6
- 19th Year 2 Christmas Movie Night
- 15th Meet the Lords
- 30th Year 3 Zoolab Visit
- 22nd Year 3 Singers Hill Synagogue Visit
- 22nd Year 5 Mosque Visit
- 21st MAT School Parliament Podcasts (Little Leaders, Big Dreams)
- 13th Our 2023-2024 Big Arts Week Exhibition
- 10th Year 5 and 6 Residential
- 25th Year 1's Visit to the Black Country Living Museum
- 17th Year 6's Professor McGinty Visit
- 11th Year 4's Professor McGinty Visit
- 28th Our School's Parliamentarians' Visit to London
- 20th Fire Service Visit to CFPS
- 18th Year 3 and 5 First Aid Workshops
- 12th Rock Kids Visit
- 30th Reception Trip to Little Owl Farm Park
- 23rd Year 6 at the Big Bang Event
- 12th A Midsummer Night's Dream at CFPS
- 5th Year 4's Visit Kenilworth Castle
- 30th Easter Bonnet and Egg Dioramas
- 30th Spring Term Governor Award Assembly
- 27th House of Lords Q and A
- 2nd World Book Day 2023
- 29th Year 6 Cathedral Visit
- 23rd Year 3 Synagogue Visit
- 22nd Year 5 Visit to Birmingham Central Mosque
- 4th Year 5 and 6 residential
- 28th Well Being Award
- 27th CFPS Jubilee Day
- 25th Pathway to Podium Silver Award
- 18th Year 3's Visit to Birmingham City Centre
- 4th Perry the Bull visits Colmers Farm
- 30th Uniform Consultation Results
- 17th Congratulations Tiegan
- 14th PlayMakers Training
- 14th Christmas Theatre Performance
- 9th Governors' Award Assemblies
- 8th Uniform Consultation
- 24th Year 3's Synagogue Visit
- 23rd Year 6's Visit to St Philip's Cathedral
- 22nd Year 5's Mosque Visit
- 5th Year 1's visit to the Black Country Museum
- 21st Professor McGinty Visits Year 4
- 8th Year 3 Zoolab Visit
- 5th Year 3 First Aid Training
- 1st Accelerated Reader Competition Winners
- 27th Our new art and design and technology studio
- 14th MAT Annual Report to Parents
- 5th First Aid Training
- 21st RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) Consultation
- 5th All you need to know about school during lockdown
- 10th Writing week at Colmers
- 5th Our Big Arts Week Exhibition 2020
- 3rd Big Arts Week At Colmers Farm